A regular amateur couple that you meet in the street or the supermarket. She´s a gorgeous blonde. Beautiful and mysterious. Dressed in black boots and a red teasing top. Her tall and handsome boyfriend follows close behind her.
But look closer.

She has him on a leash. Dragging him through town. Male chastity discreetly in action and in public. He follows meekly. Obediently following her every command. They enter a local bar. The type with sports paraphernalia on the walls and a host of regulars hanging at the bar after work. They catch some eyes as they enter. She always does. There´s an aura of attractiveness and sexual tension surrounding her. It draws glances from all the males at the bar.
She drags her boyfriend to a booth at the back of the bar. Sends him to order a draft beer for herself and water for himself. The regulars at the bar notice his collar, give him some looks, but nothing is said.
The girl waves over a guy previously hanging out on his own at the end of the bar. A 25ish male with a stubbly beard and a strong looking upper body. A tattoo visible on his left arm. She whispers something in his ear. She snaps her finger and her boyfriend vacates his seat to sit at her feet under the table. The new guy takes his place.

The entire bar is peeking over. Recognizing every movement, trying to listen to the intensifying banter between the girl and the tattooed guy. Anticipation is in the air. She leans over, grabs the new guy behind the neck, and pulls him over for a passionate kiss.
The two new lovers keep flirting, kissing and occationally touching for a while. Then suddenly she stands up, takes his hand and gestures for the door. With a snap of the finger she motions for her now cuckold boyfriend to follow, on his knees. The 3 leave the bar for the short walk home. Followed by astonished glances and whistles from the bar.
A long night of action is ahead. Not for the cuckold boyfriend in all likelihood. But action there will be nonetheless….